Recent Events

Easter Egghunt Party 2024

March 30, 2024

Coloring Wooden Eggs…Hunting Eggs…12 Golden Eggs Resurrection Story…Hotdogs & Chips….Easter Bunny Cinnamon Roll decorating (and eating, YUM)
Fun by all on the beautiful Sunny day!!
Thanks to Cindy Thompson and all the helpers!!!

Devonshire Visit

March 26, 2024

Look at our faithful members who share each month with the residents of Devonshire Assisted Living. We sang Easter songs with Roy. Derek shared about the Resurrection of Jesus. We all ate cookies and cupcakes. Thanks everyone.

Fellowship Dinner

March 27, 2024

Fellowship Dinner March 27, 2024. The informational meeting with the elders and congregation started as members met and greeted each other in fellowship. Marlon Crowder, one of our elders, opened up with prayer and blessed the meal. Thanks to Roni Thompson and the team for setting up and preparing such a delicious meal. The meeting was very informative as the elders talked about their responsible role. We were informed about the staff/ administration (Marlon Crowder), financial status (Jim Thorton), maintenance/building (Charles Thompson), and mission (Jim Caldwell ) who closed in prayer as we held hands united in prayer for NHCC.

Zach Tanner from Camp Rudolph visits Northampton

March 24, 2024

Today, our Mission Committee met with Camp Rudolph’s Assistant Manager, Zach Tanner. The mission committee, which Ross Gambill chairs, was giving an up dated report on the future function of the Camp Operation. Zach Tanner (son of Bill and Cheryl Tanner) is no stranger to NHCC as he was raised in the church. The love for Camp Rudolph that Zach showed at the meeting and the beginning of our morning service proves that the Lord has picked the right person to oversee the Camp Operation. Let’s keep Zach and his family in our prayers as he moves forward with his responsibilities as Camp Assistant Manager.