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Why Give?

We don’t give because God is broke and needs our money to go shopping. We give because giving changes lives. Giving changes my life, and because this is a church that gives a portion of every dollar that comes in, giving changes the lives of others as well. Giving God the first 10% of our earnings shows that we trust Him to provide the rest. It’s about putting God first and living in such a way that God is the highest priority in our lives. That said, no one is going to reach into your wallet, or pass a collection plate. Giving financially is a decision that you make and we will never try to guilt you into giving.

If you’d love to give in-person we have a basket available as you leave the main worship center. If you would like to give electronically to the NorthamptonFamily please click this link:

Giving is about trusting God to provide – and about sharing the gifts you’ve been given. Northampton Church uses your donations to keep the church running and in turn gives a portion of all it’s incoming donations to change the lives of others in need.

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Community Involvement

We want to be the kind of church that people drive by and have a positive thought run through their head. “Oh hey, that’s the church that helped my cousin” or “That’s the church where we get food when things are tough.” We serve the Food Bank, offer monthly groceries to folks and help out at Forrest Elementary among other things. We believe that followers of Jesus should serve their community simply because God has asked His church to take care of other people, which is what love does.

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